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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2020

Bukan Kepunyaanku

Aku terlalu naif mengklaim tasku adalah milikku, tasku adalah titipan banyak orang. Ada tanggung jawab untuk melaksanakannya karena ada banyak amanah dari orang-orang yang telah berdonasi di program tasku. Hari ini aku akan membuang identitas tasku dari diriku, karena tasku bukanlah milikku, tapi milikmu dan milik kita. Tidak aku salah, tasku bukanlah sebuah barang tetapi adalah sebuah jalan, wadah untuk berdakwah. Apa itu dakwah, usaha-usaha untuk menegakkan aturan Allah, menaati Allah yang dimulai dari diri sendiri, keluarga sendiri, teman sendiri dan komunitas sendiri. Kebetulan saat ini aku terpanggil dan mendapat amanah untuk memulai ini. Eh tunggu! Bukan memulai, sesungguhnya aku hanya melanjutkan apa yang orang-orang sholeh terdahulu yang sejak lebih dari 1400 tahun telah lakukan. Aku bisa digantikan kapan saja di jalan dakwah dan aku bisa saja kehilangan hidayah kapan saja. Kumohon semoga kelak coretan-coretan ini bisa menjadi pengingat mengapa aku berjuang dan melangkah sejauh...


Biarpun kamu berusaha ingin baik, kamu tidak akan mampu melakukannya sendiri. Ada "magical power" yang berkehendak mengijinkanmu untuk jadi orang baik. Biasanya kita bilang hidayah dan rahmat dari Allah SWT. Mau seisi bumi telah memfasilitasi kamu jadi orang baik, kalo hidayah Allah tak sampai padamu, you cannot make it. Jadi apa yang harus kita lakukan. Meminta pertolongan agar dimampukan jadi orang baik. Karena jadi orang jahat itu bikin hati gak nyaman, entahlah serasa ada tumpukan batu di hati ketika kita melukai diri sendiri atau orang lain. Cepat-cepat minta bantuan biar diangkatkan semua beban di hati. Hati kita memang rumit, suasana bisa berubah dengan cepat meskipun bukan karena pengaruh climate change. Dari aku, yang meminta agar selalu diberikan hati yang baik ketika keadaan terlihat serba salah. Aku butuh obat penyembuh. Aku tahu itu dimana, tetapi berat untuk mengambilnya padahal tersusun rapi di atas meja. ( Kitab As-Syifa kepunyaaku, yang ku beli saat aku duduk...

Let me grow

 I dont have positive energy that I can share because I try to find some strengths to get through all of this. I dont know what happen with me, but i just feel in my lowest point. I am questioning what am I doing today? What will happen tomorrow? Future life always bother me. Please let me live my life today, let me do what I can. Enjoying every mess around and make it clear. Stop scaring me! Let me finish my reading. Let me write my reflective essay. Let me enjoy the endevour of learning . I am so full of my self, don't let me do this alone, please guide me. Thinking about life when I took shower this morning I realise that life can be enjoyed when I understand what the meaning of death. I am saying this does not mean that I am tired and give up of life. I am just trying to have a meaningful life. I have gone so far but why my vision becomes blur. I hate to admit this. Then, I come back to my sense that I have another work to do beside wondering the mystery of future! Bye xxx Remi...

Slow Education Movement?

Are you ready to join the Slow Education movement? I would say yes to Shelley Wright about her Idea. Slow means do things in education well and at its right speed. Shelley argues that we should find out how real learning looks like and the importance to learn slowly, freely and thoroughly for kids. Shelley observes many stakeholders in education are so anxious about children nowadays, but they create an impatient system. A system that make students learn instantly, then expect them to achieve a good result printed in a piece of report paper. I agree with Shelly that education should not be like this situation and Shelley argues that education needs to be authentic. Authentic learning is meaningful learning and connect students with their community. Hence, students get an authentic goal and a role in society rather than consume-in-training by completing the worksheets and standardised tests. Shelley challenges the summative learning in education system today and promote personalized and...

Neoliberalism creates the language of learning

Biesta (2016) argues "against learning" because He believes that language more than a description of reality and language can become something that can be known, what can be thought, and what can be done (P.16). Biesta examines that The New language of learning gains its popularity because of the four trends such as new theories of learning,postmodernism, the "silent explosion" of adult learning, and the erosion of welfare state (P.17). As a teacher, I witness some of these trends that the new theory of learning (constructivist approach) can be found in Indonesia new curriculum (Curriculum 2013) which does not exist in the previous curriculum. I also find that education is accessible to everybody nowadays. I agree with Biesta that the change from education to learning is not totally negative, but some points that make Biesta against the language of learning, first, it mirrors the process of education in term of economic transaction. A transaction which means the lea...

Teacher Professional Learning

Mockler (2013) has an idea that the teacher professional learning is viewed as identity work that would lead teachers to have a strong sense of purpose and confidence in their own judgement and agency. I agree identity work can be achieved when teachers are successful answer the basic questions about ‘who are they?’ and ‘why are they here as teachers?’. Answering these two questions shows that teacher professional learning is a journey becoming a teacher by involving their personal and professional background and experience to understand themselves and find their true colour. Once teachers get the essential points who they are and why they take this job as part of their purpose in life, it will develop their expertise in teaching significantly. I do believe that expertise in teaching more than transferring knowledge to students or use impressive technique or strategy of learning in the class.     I have a similar opinion with Mockler that personal and professional life are inf...