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Teacher Professional Learning

Mockler (2013) has an idea that the teacher professional learning is viewed as identity work that would lead teachers to have a strong sense of purpose and confidence in their own judgement and agency. I agree identity work can be achieved when teachers are successful answer the basic questions about ‘who are they?’ and ‘why are they here as teachers?’. Answering these two questions shows that teacher professional learning is a journey becoming a teacher by involving their personal and professional background and experience to understand themselves and find their true colour. Once teachers get the essential points who they are and why they take this job as part of their purpose in life, it will develop their expertise in teaching significantly. I do believe that expertise in teaching more than transferring knowledge to students or use impressive technique or strategy of learning in the class. 


I have a similar opinion with Mockler that personal and professional life are influenced by socio-culture where teachers live (P.16). For example, my journey as a young science teacher from West Sumatra Province in Indonesia is influenced by the Minangkabau people and the Muslim community. Unconsciously, I integrate moral values in Islamic and Minangkabau culture in teaching the natural phenomena in science subject. I realise that the way I teach obviously different from my fellow teachers in East Java or in Australia. Teacher professional learning as identity work indicates that one teacher is unique one and another. This notion supports the statement that every teacher has their strength and style in teaching. This idea is broader than teacher professional development that I used to think, such as training, acquisition new knowledge, skills, and following the standard that has been set by policymakers. The reality in the field shows that this idea does not bring significant change for students learning outcome and improvement in teachers’ quality. Then, I find that teachers should get freedom, autonomy, creativity to conduct their teaching practice and less surveillance from government. The less surveillance and pressure for teachers from policymakers show a good result in students learning outcome in Finlandia. Therefore, I think Australia and Indonesia can follow the successful track of Finlandia as the top country in the international test by giving space for teachers to create, experiment, challenge, and evaluate themselves in teaching practice. Besides, teachers also should be allowed to discuss with other teacher fellows and involve in a collaborative research project regarding their teaching activity to support their professional skills in inquiry research to gain expertise in teaching.


However, my question is how to evaluate or observe teacher professional learning as identity work? What kind of instrument or approach would be used to help the teacher to develop their expertise practice with identity work? I think to answer this question we should involve all stakeholders in the education system and conduct a comprehensive evaluation from many aspects through deep interview and observation for teachers. Then, for better understanding further reading is necessary to give the light for these questions.

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