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Neoliberalism creates the language of learning

Biesta (2016) argues "against learning" because He believes that language more than a description of reality and language can become something that can be known, what can be thought, and what can be done (P.16). Biesta examines that The New language of learning gains its popularity because of the four trends such as new theories of learning,postmodernism, the "silent explosion" of adult learning, and the erosion of welfare state (P.17). As a teacher, I witness some of these trends that the new theory of learning (constructivist approach) can be found in Indonesia new curriculum (Curriculum 2013) which does not exist in the previous curriculum. I also find that education is accessible to everybody nowadays. I agree with Biesta that the change from education to learning is not totally negative, but some points that make Biesta against the language of learning, first, it mirrors the process of education in term of economic transaction. A transaction which means the learner as potential consumers, the teacher or educator as the provider and education becomes a commodity (P.19).  The fact shown above hurts my feeling and my professionalism as an educator when I think that education relationship as an economic transaction which means that student as consumer is always right and should get premium services of what they want. Meanwhile, as a teacher, I think this circumstance might not be accurate, and I do believe that education is more than an economic transaction because there is also some moral values that we share through education because it is a social activity. Second, the purpose and the content of education become blurred and questioned because the widely used of the language of learning.Therefore, I support Biesta argument to reclaim or reinvent what the educational relationship is. 

Three key ideas that support Biesta (2016) in reconceptualization educational relationship are trust, violence and responsibility. Education started because of student willing to take a risk. No matter how convenient learning is advertised, there is always a risk that someone might never expect. Due to the risk that one cannot be imagined when engaging with education, so trust exists and connects with the risk in education (P.22). The second aspect that constitutes an educational relationship is transcendental violence. A violation of the sovereignty of the student which means that teacher always interfere with students' life by asking who are they? Where do they stand? The interference can help them find their identity in this world or give severe impact on students' lives. Now, I can relate why involving in education gives me stress and painful experience but at the same time challenging. This explanation makes me want to appreciate myself as a student who has the bravery to find or respond to something new and different. The third constitute of educational relationship, according to Biesta (2016) is responsibility without knowledge. Biesta believed that the responsibility of education beyond the requirement to meet the needs and help student find their identity. Education offers a path which is not clear and unknown, and it aligns with the very structure of responsibility that we do not know what we take responsibility for. Therefore, responsibility one of ideas that constitutes the educational relationship (P.25).



Gert J. J. Biesta. (2016). Beyond Learning: Democratic Education for a Human Future. Routledge.


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