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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2019


Sekarang tanggal 24 Februari, itu artinya hari  ke 3 aku ada di Melbourne. Aku mulai terbiasa dengan jadwal shalat disini yang awalnya sempat shock karena shalat magrib pukul 8.15 malam trus shalat Isya nya jam 9.47. 2 hari sebelumnya ( hari jumat) aku pergi lagi ke kampus buat urus asuransi ( OSHC) semacam asuransi buat pelajar gitu, so aku pergi ke monash connect. Baru aja nyampe lansung nomor antrianku di panggil, aku pun segera menuju meja 12. Disambut oleh mba mba pegawai Allianz ( salah satu nama perusahaan asuransi ) setelah menulis data diri dan memperlihatkan CoE urusanku selesai, tinggal tunggu konfirmasi dari mereka berupa telfon , sms ataupun email. Mereka semua rama meskipun aku masih merasa malu-malu untuk berbicara. Tak lama kemudian aku ketemuan sama Kak Oci ( Awardee LPDP dari lombok ). Aku kenal kak Oci karena dia temannya Bang It ( salah satu mentor di program Pulang Sebelum berangkat ke australi aku udah jalin komunikasi sama kak Oci, ternyat...

My first day in Australia

I force my self to write these notes because i can forget this moment anytime. Well, I arrived in Melbourne International Airport ( Tullamarine ) at 6.00 am with flight GA716. I am very lucky since this is first class flight so I got hot meal during my flight. There was blanket, pillow, and screen to watch movies, listening to music, notice flight map, and watch TV programmes. Before, I though it would be difficult to pass migration but it run well. a tips from me, it is better for you to fill in arrival form in board and dont forget to bring a pen in your bag, it will be useful. I fiilled the form when I queqed in migration line, so the officer asked me to write it first. I was calm enough, so I followed her instruction. Next, I passed s officer to check my luggage, luckily she didn't ask me to open up mt suitcase, she just ask me several questions related to what kind of things that i have declared in the arrival form. I followed the way out and directly went to meeting point...